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Photo: Verywhere.

Sorry for being quite unproductive lately.
Im not sure why, but I tried taking some pictures.

Hidden heaven.

It was a hot weather day at the zoo. But why I didnt take picture of animal instead of the scenery? lol Im not sorry for that.

I ain't lost.

Just walk on and spot this beauty. Not satisfied because of the bad light day.


Im trying to catch the tone of sunset burst out from the curtain but failed. God's painting is the greatest and humans can't take it. I kept capture it then turn it to monochrome. :D

Thankyou for visit!
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Photo: Nice Weather

Today is Monday and the sky is clearly blue. So I took some pictures (well not only the sky) around me.

"Let's build the mountain."
Bad resolution since I need to zoom it in. :(
Rarely got the chance to capture the mountain, only able to when its completely clear sky, kind of force to take it.

"Roll the stairs."
I'd always love stairs, different angle gave different beauty.

"Round the green."
Quite unsatisfied with this photo. I wish I can fly, so I can take it in better angle. Haha

"Down from the sky."
The sky is just beautiful!

"God's Master Piece of Art."
I believe that God is the greatest artist ever. Without Him, none of these beauty could be exist.

I took these photos at my school, except the last one is on my way back home. I start the day with beautiful sky and end the day with beautiful sky too. Im not satisfied enough to capture those God's pieces of art, I will capture and share more so you would see those beauty.

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Design: Early Black Day

Hi there!
Its been a while I haven't make any progress in design. Currently busy with assignments. :(

This early of month's work for HetaCafé again. :)

Prussia by Pixiv Id 1113200.

I don't know why its black themed and just realized after that seems to be Black Day.
You know there is Valentine on February 14th, then White Day on March 14th, and Black Day on April 14th for those had no boy/girlfriend. Haha

To make it looks suit better, I edited the logo a bit.

I forgot to printscreen how it looks, sorry. You can check it on HetaCafe Facebook fanpage. https://www.facebook.com/HetaCafe

That's all. Thankyou! ;)
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